Thursday, January 8, 2009

Comma =/= Period

So I've been on a small hiatus from WoW the past, oh, three days, while I get my finances in order. It's hard to enjoy shooting things in the face with a bow an arrow when you're screaming inside about a bill bigger than rent, electricity and internet all rolled into one (yes, I'm glaring at you, Sallie Mae!).

Meanwhile, I have found another blog I may read sporadically that serves a dual purpose, the first being to enjoy reading. Lienna the Belf Huntress is Surviving well in Northrend, it seems. Love the down to earth style of writing, but the run on sentences make me cringe inside. Ah well, not everyone is anal about writing like I am, and I can live with that. Check her out, random Pike-person who apparently checks my blog every so often. (Seriously gal, you came back? I'm impressed!) :P

Meanwhile, I shall return to crunching numbers and shortly fall into bed. I am blessed, I have a job... too bad it's an hour's drive from here. =(

And yes, I've left off the second purpose off on, well, purpose. I'm not ready to share with the class yet. :D

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