Saturday, April 4, 2009

1) Get bored. 2) ??? 3) Profit.

This is what happens when I am up all hours of the night stalking a book spawn with only one person to talk to. I get bored. And when I get bored, I do crazy shit. Tonight's crazy shit is... a blog header.

It was done in paint. That's as hi-tech as I get, folks. Besides, the whole blog is ghetto, why should it have a super fancy header?

Huh?? WHY I SAY?

... Another 1.5 hours to go for the next spawn... Guess I better grab more caffeine.

EDIT: Book did not spawn at 6 AM like it should have. Must wait for 7 AM. Good thing I work at 2:30 PM unlike a normal person.

EDIT 2: Blizzard has a way of rewarding the tenatious (read: stupid). My book did indeed spawn, and I collapsed into bt immediately after for about 6 hours sleep. I hope everyone else slept better than me! :P

1 comment:

Chocoholix said...

Duuuuude it looks awesome :) espcially if its done in paint heh :)